LaBreasha Hayes

LaBreasha Hayes

Staff Coordinator/Lead Behavioral Health Associate

LaBreasha Hayes is the Staffing Coordinator for Rebound Behavioral Health Hospital. LaBreasha primary role at Rebound Behavioral Health is to staff the nursing department. She also manages the behavioral health associates and focuses on developing a team that always puts patient safety first. She and her team accomplishes this by hard work, determination, and realizing that the ultimate goal is to provide the best care possible.  LaBreasha started her career as an EMT, CNA I, & CNA II at Piedmont Medical Center which she worked for 14 years. She then started her career here at Rebound Behavioral Health as behavioral health associate career in 2015 before being promoted to staffing coordinator in 2021. She has 2 daughters, 1 son, 1 dog, and 2 grandsons that she loves dearly. She realized her true passion was helping others years ago and that what she strives to do in her everyday life. Her goal is to learn something new no matter where or who it comes from knowledge is endless.